[Dataloss] OT: Woman, 83, allegedly made to smoke crack in return for personal information

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Tue May 8 03:47:43 UTC 2007

(while this is admittedly off-topic for the general purpose of this list, 
we at attrition.org certainly hope that this "attack vector" doesn't 
become more common on a widespread scale...)


A woman forced an 83-year-old housemate to smoke crack cocaine so she 
could steal personal information to get a credit card in her name and run 
up more than $3,000 in charges, authorities said.

Pasco County sheriff's investigators have accused Theresa M. 
Stanley-Morgan, 41, of getting the older woman to smoke the drug at least 
twice to make it easier to exploit her financially.

Stanley-Morgan was arrested April 28. She admitted to investigators that 
she used Shirley Hathaway's name, birth date and Social Security number to 
open the account, a sheriff's report said.


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