[Dataloss] Astroglide exposes 250k onto Net

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Wed May 2 15:10:37 UTC 2007

The primary reason we chose not to list the Astroglide incident on 
Attrition's web page and database is because it appears that the only 
records exposed were customers' names and addresses.  While some may argue 
that names and addresses are "personal information" (and while the 
exposure may be embarassing to some people), for most people that 
information is publicly available through the White Pages (offline and 

On Wed, 2 May 2007, HINDERER Vincent wrote:

": " 
": " Hi all,
": " 
": " Maybe I haven't looked carefully, but couldn't find the recent
": " Astroglide data breach in Dataloss/Privacy Clearinghouse records:
": " 
": " See :
": " http://news.google.com/nwshp?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&tab=wn&q=astroglide
": " or here for example
": " http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2007/04/sex_lube_makers.html
": " 
": " 
": " (for French speaking folks:
": " http://cert.lexsi.com/weblog/index.php/2007/04/30/141-donnees-personnell
": " es-glissantes )

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