[Dataloss] YouTube Shocker: Chase Bank Records Found In Trash

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue May 1 13:46:13 UTC 2007

YouTube Shocker: Chase Bank Records Found In Trash
Video Exploits Security Lapses With Customer Info

(CBS) NEW YORK A bank error that's certainly not in your favor has found its
way onto the Internet, and now officials say very personal information of
thousands of Chase Bank customers could find its way into the hands of
identity thieves.

A new YouTube video flaunting the personal information of Chase Bank
customers is getting a lot of attention. The video shows a person holding
numerous confidential financial documents of bank customers, and pointing
out information that is supposed to be protected by the bank.

"Social Security Numbers here as well as date of birth," one person could be
heard saying on the video, pointing to one of the documents.

Bank statements, credit reports and other personal documents were seen being
unearthed in the video.

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