[Dataloss] Data Security Breaches Spur New Products At Trade Show

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Mon Mar 19 13:49:42 UTC 2007

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From: InfoSec News <alerts at infosecnews.org>


By Cecilia Kang
Washington Post Staff Writer
March 19, 2007

There was the stolen laptop that put the identities of millions of 
veterans and soldiers at risk. Then flooding shut down part of the IRS 
building, prompting a scramble for electronic files and equipment.

In the wake of such publicized mishaps, security and privacy issues are 
taking center stage at this year's FOSE trade show, Washington's largest 
convention for federal, state and local government information technology 
contractors, as a host of companies peddle new products and services aimed 
at sealing and protecting the government's data and networks.

The two-day show at the Washington Convention Center begins tomorrow, and 
organizers hope to draw 20,000 people. The event comes as government 
spending is likely to be more restrained compared with that of previous 

In the past two years, the rate of growth in spending on office 
technologies has steadily declined and is projected to increase only 
slightly over the next year, said Bill Loomis, an analyst at Stifel 

The Office of Management and Budget has allocated $65.5 billion for 
information technology for the government in fiscal 2008, up 2.6 percent 
from President Bush's 2007 request of $63.8 billion.


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