[Dataloss] TX: American pilots protest security breach on company Web site

MKEVHILL at aol.com MKEVHILL at aol.com
Thu Jun 21 03:02:19 UTC 2007

Personal information including Social Security  numbers of more than 300 
pilots and other employees at American Airlines,  including the chief executive, 
was exposed on a company Web site, according to  the pilots' union. 
The company said it determined that only pilots and union officials saw the  
information on a password-protected internal site.  
Union officials said that by searching the site for "AA" and "medical," the  
roughly 200 results included a 2002 document with personal information on 315  
current and former pilots and about 50 others, including CEO Gerard Arpey and 
 his predecessor, Donald Carty.  
Union President Ralph Hunter said he called Mark Burdette, the company's vice 
 president of employee relations, to report the breach.  
"I told him what his Social Security number was and where I got it," Hunter  
said. "He agreed with me that we had a big problem."  
American, a unit of AMR Corp., disabled the site's search function.  
Mike Hill

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