[Dataloss] OH: Strickland says additional information was on stolen storage device

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Sun Jun 17 18:07:14 UTC 2007


Information about thousands of teachers, vendors, school districts and 
local governments that conduct electronic transactions with the state are 
on a backup computer storage device stolen from the car of a state agency 
intern, Gov. Ted Strickland said Saturday.

Strickland announced the device was missing on Friday. It also included 
the names and Social Security numbers of all 64,000 state employees.

Strickland again said that he has no reason to believe the information . 
which can be used to steal from people by taking their identity - has been 
compromised because accessing it requires special equipment and expertise. 
He also has issued an executive order to change the procedures for 
handling state data.

The latest files discovered to be missing include 2,685 records of school 
district and local government names and bank account information; 159,708 
records of Medicaid providers and their bank account information - the 
state is assuming it includes all providers; and the names and account 
numbers of 1,031 state employees who are teachers in the State Teachers 
Retirement System, the governor's office said.


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