[Dataloss] OH: Stolen computer tape holds all state employees'IDs

David McKee david.mckee at entaq.com
Fri Jun 15 15:37:57 UTC 2007

To reflect back on another politician, "It depends on what your definition
of is (breach), is."  :-)


David McKee



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From: dataloss-bounces at attrition.org [mailto:dataloss-bounces at attrition.org]
On Behalf Of MKEVHILL at aol.com
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 10:26 AM
To: dataloss at attrition.org
Subject: Re: [Dataloss] OH: Stolen computer tape holds all state


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the fact that a company losses data is the
definition of a data breach. So when the Governor of Ohio says: 

"We have no reason to believe there's any breach of security at this time,
and we think it is unlikely that a breach will occur,"

that in fact a breach has already occurred since he announced that data has
been stolen.  

Thanks for your help,



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