[Dataloss] [ji at tla.org: IBM Lost Tape(s)]

Adam Shostack adam at homeport.org
Sat Jun 9 18:30:37 UTC 2007

----- Forwarded message from John Ioannidis <ji at tla.org> -----

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Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:31:53 -0400
From: John Ioannidis <ji at tla.org>
To: cryptography mailing list <cryptography at metzdowd.com>
Subject: IBM Lost Tape(s)

Apparently, last February IBM lost some tapes with employee data.
Yesterday, I received a notification from them, which I scanned and put
 (slightly redacted) in http://www.tla.org/private/ibmloss1.pdf for
your amusement.

Now, I haven't worked for IBM in a long time, and since then I have
moved about a dozen times.  I'm pretty sure quite a few people are in
that situation. I wonder how much it cost them to find current addresses
for everybody so we could be notified.


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