d2d d2d at attrition.org
Tue Jul 17 13:26:31 UTC 2007


Hackers raided a poorly secured Western Union database and stole the personal 
data of more than 20,000 customers, including 1,300 New Yorkers, the 
wire-transfer company admitted yesterday.

The thieves got names, addresses, phone numbers and complete credit-card 
information after a breach sometime in late May, according to a letter sent to 
customers by James Keese, Western Union's privacy officer.

The data was held in an "offline" file not accessible through westernunion.com, 
said company spokeswoman Sherry Johnson.

"We are not aware of any ID theft or any kind of fraudulent use that was made 
from this information," she said and added that the FBI is investigating the 


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