[Dataloss] follow up on Ohio State backup tape loss

Henry Brown hbrown at knology.net
Sun Jul 15 11:40:12 UTC 2007

 From the Columbus Dispatch on July 14, 2007

Workers on the state's new payroll and accounting system were told in 
April to remove Social Security numbers and other sensitive information 
from the main network but didn't do it, records released yesterday suggest.

As a result, the data ended up on a computer backup tape that was stolen 
late June 10 or early June 11 from a state intern's car, affecting more 
than 1 million people or businesses and costing the state an estimated 
$2.2 million so far.

Officials have said it was Miller who started the practice two or three 
years ago of sending backup data home nightly with interns on a rotating 

The idea was to keep a copy of the data away from the office in case of 
a disaster, but the project policy last updated in April 2002 clearly 
said the information was to go home with the network administrator

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