[Dataloss] fringe / UK: Banks caught dumping customers' personal details in public waste bins

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Thu Jul 12 10:35:01 UTC 2007

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From: InfoSec News <alerts at infosecnews.org>


11th July 2007

A 'horrifying' number numbers of banks, shops and Government departments 
are said to be fuelling a £1.7billion a year crime racket by failing to 
protect people's privacy.

They have been caught dumping customers' details in public waste bins or 
leaving personal information for all to see online.

Their actions have prompted 24,000 complaints to privacy watchdogs, who 
said the lapses left customers wide open to identity theft.

Information commissioner Richard Thomas said: 'The roll call of banks, 
retailers, Government departments, public bodies and other organisations 
which have admitted serious security lapses is, frankly, horrifying.'


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