[Dataloss] TJX, Polo Data Surfaces in Credit Card Bust

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Wed Jul 11 01:01:18 UTC 2007

(So which card breaches can be attributed to which company?  Inquiring 
minds (and the GAO) want to know... ;) )


After more than $75 million in bogus credit card charges, several Cuban 
nationals in Florida have been arrested with more than 200,000 credit card 
account numbers, many of which came from the TJX and Polo Ralph Lauren 
data breaches, according to U.S. Secret Service officials, commenting on 
the July 9 announced arrests.

The numbers were sent to the Florida defendants, who specialize in 
manufacturing bogus credit cards complete with embossing, logos, holograms 
and properly encoded magnetic strips, from a group of Eastern European 
residents who specialize in collecting the stolen credit card numbers, the 
Secret Service said.

That Eastern European group of fiduciary Fagans obtained those numbers 
from many different sources, but many of the numbers were traced back to 
two specific major retail data breaches: the 2006 TJX breach and a 2005 
Polo Ralph Lauren breach, said a Secret Service case agent involved in the 
investigation and who asked that his name not be used.


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