[Dataloss] follow-up: Astroglide Data Loss Could Result In $18 Million Fine

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Mon Jul 9 20:14:33 UTC 2007

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Ferguson <fergdawg at netzero.net>


In April 2007, Biofilm Inc. accidentally published on the Internet the 
names and addresses of over 200,000 customers who had requested a free 
sample of their popular sex lubricant Astroglide. This blog post 
highlights the fact that the leaked data could serve as highly effective 
bait for targeted phishing attacks and other kinds of scams.

A full breakdown of numbers of requests for each state are released. These 
numbers are then used to estimate potential fines against Biofilm should 
state Attorneys General wish to get involved.



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