[Dataloss] Lost F.B.I. Laptops Still a Problem, Inspector Says

Henry Brown hbrown at knology.net
Tue Feb 13 08:59:48 EST 2007

Different "SPIN" on the process:


The FBI has made significant progress in decreasing the rate of loss of 
laptop computers and weapons, the agency's inspector general said Monday.

The analysis determined that when compared with figures from 2002, there 
has been a 349 percent reduction in the average number of weapons lost 
or stolen in a given month and a 312 percent reduction in the loss or 
theft of laptops. The agency reported 160 weapons and laptops lost or 
stolen during the audit period.

Max Hozven wrote:
> http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/us/AP-FBI-Laptops.html?hp&ex=1171342800&en=a17b6916b0b00b81&ei=5094&partner=homepage 
> <http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/us/AP-FBI-Laptops.html?hp&ex=1171342800&en=a17b6916b0b00b81&ei=5094&partner=homepage>
>  Lost F.B.I. Laptops Still a Problem, Inspector Says
> Article Tools Sponsored By
> Published: February 12, 2007
> Filed at 11:57 a.m. ET
> WASHINGTON (AP) -- Between three and four FBI laptop computers are 
> lost or stolen each month on average and the agency is unable to say 
> in many instances whether information on the machines is sensitive or 
> classified, the Justice Department's inspector general said Monday.
> The inspector general said the FBI is doing a better job of reducing 
> the number of thefts and disappearances of weapons and laptop 
> computers, but that not all problems were corrected as urged in a 
> report five years ago.
> ''Perhaps most troubling, the FBI could not determine in many cases 
> whether the lost or stolen laptop computers contained sensitive or 
> classified information,'' said the report. ''Such information may 
> include case information, personal identifying information, or 
> classified information on FBI operations.''
> In a report five years ago, the inspector general said 354 weapons and 
> 317 laptop computers were lost or stolen during a 28-month review.
> The new report found that 160 weapons and 160 laptop computers were 
> lost or stolen over a 44-month period.
> The FBI said it was preparing a response to the report.
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