[Dataloss] California Data Breech Bill

Henry Brown hbrown at knology.net
Fri Aug 31 21:11:44 UTC 2007


Calif. bill holding retailers responsible for breach costs advances

August 31, 2007  (Computerworld) -- Retailers hoping to convince 
California lawmakers not to pass a proposed bill that would require them 
to pay banks and credit unions for the costs associated with a data 
breach lost another important round Thursday.

The state's Senate Appropriations Committee approved the landmark 
Consumer Data Protection Act or AB 779, by a 13-2 vote late Thursday. 
The measure, authored by Assemblyman Dave Jones, (D-Sacramento), won 
overwhelming approval (58-2) in the State Assembly in early June.

The bill is now expected to go before the full Senate in as little as a 
week. If approved, it would then go to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for 
his approval.

If signed into law, analysts expect the measure could have a ripple 
effect in other states, in much the same way an earlier California's 
measure affected data breach notification laws.


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