[Dataloss] Oklahoma Law Enforcement Breach

Henry Brown hbrown at knology.net
Sat Aug 25 18:23:13 UTC 2007

Breach puts information in peril


Someone hacked into computers at three Oklahoma law enforcement agencies 
and may have stolen private information meant only for police use, the 
state Department of Public Safety announced Friday.

Details of the extent of the security compromise remained sketchy 
Friday, but officials said only the Elk City and Eufaula police 
departments and the Kiowa County Sheriff Department were affected.

The Department of Public Safety is urging anyone who has had contact 
with those agencies to check for any suspicious charges on credit cards 
or to obtain a credit report as soon as possible. Even people pulled 
over for a traffic stop but not given a ticket could be at risk.

"Because this is an ongoing investigation, we are not able to release a 
lot of information,” said Capt. Chris West, spokesman for the Oklahoma 
Highway Patrol.


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