[Dataloss] Is it just about credit?

Rodney Wise rwise29210 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 11:36:44 UTC 2007

(In his best Columbo accent).... There is just one more thing mam... I am
having trouble understanding a few things... gee do ya think you could help
me out here?

I have a few questions for discussion by the group. I have seen time and
time again that companies that have been compromised have offered credit
munitioning to help REDUCE any monetary damages that might be gained from
lawsuits. It is not just about credit. You can lodk it down for your life
and still have problems.

Question 1
Is is just about your credit?

If someone gets you SSN or SIN (Canida) they can do a lot more than get
cash. If they get medical treatment for ... I don't know ... a heart problem
of even... HIV do you think you will ever get insurance again?

Question 2
What about death and taxes?

 Well if you are in the US without the proper permissions to be here in most
situations you MUST have 2 forms of identity to gain employment. A SSN AND a
drivers license number. If they have YOUR SSN and get employment that can
put you in another tax bracket owing more money than the job they are doing
will be deducting for taxes.

What if that happens multiple times? There is NO verification process in
place that will tell an employer that it is not you. It will just verify it
is a valid number.

Lets go one more step further...

I get your Driver License Number from a check you give me. I make $5/hr at a
retail store and see several of these a day, I can sell this for about $50
(read 10 hours of work) for each one. You are flying to that city where what
happens there stays there and use your DLN as your ID. OOPS I forgot to tell
you I used your number when I got pulled over for a DUI. YOU now have a
crimanl record.

Question 3
3. How does credit monitoring help these problems?

Question 4
What does the federal government REQUIRE businesses to do to help reduce
data theft?
Five thing.
1.Take Stock ... like and inventory of your data
2. Scale Down... What do you REALLY need
3.Lock it down... Protect it
4. Pitch it... READ SHRED
5. Plan Ahead... create a written plan

Question 4

If you read the publication, is this too much to ask of the companies we
willingly give our data to?

Rodney Wise
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