[Dataloss] Darwin Professional Underwriters - Tech-404.com

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Sun Apr 15 04:35:54 UTC 2007

For anyone interested, we came across a curious situation in the last week.

It seems that a company by the name of Darwin Professional Underwriters took it 
upon themselves to "borrow" attrition.org's RSS feed and incorporate it into 
one of their own pages, found here:


Darwin is a provider of commercial services for "liability insurance". Press 
releases have been issued, media attention has been gained, and Darwin has 
gathered quite a bit of press and attention regarding their "data loss 
calculator" in the last week.  However, it should be noted that Darwin IN NO 
WAY contacted attrition.org about using our RSS feed for their page.  In NO WAY 
did Darwin responnd to email contact about this situation.  They are using OUR 
resources that we spent our own time developing and making available to the 
public... for their own commercial gain.  They're ripping off attrition.org, 
and we will not let this stand.

Darwin representatives, get a set of balls.  Our work.  Our time.  You owe us. 
Take it down or we'll just clown you again.

Oh, wait...

we already did.


Lyger (attrition.org staff, damn proud of it, and screw you, Darwin)


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