[Dataloss] Personal Data Of Chicago Employees Stolen

DH1759 at aol.com DH1759 at aol.com
Fri Sep 8 04:37:19 EDT 2006

Here is a link to the letter sent out by Nationwide to the affected  members 

In a message dated 9/1/2006 5:27:45 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
lyger at attrition.org writes:

(Please look for the following sentence: "However, the firm  believes the 
risk of identity theft or misuse of the information is low,  because the 
computer was protected by User ID and a complicated password,  the release 
said."  Unbelievable. - lyger)

Courtesy  PogoWasRight.org


Thousands  of city employees could be at risk of identity theft following 
the theft  of a laptop computer from a city contractor, and a delay of more 
than a  year in reporting the theft to the proper personnel within the 
company,  according to a release from the Mayor.s office.

Nationwide Retirement  Solutions, the provider of deferred compensation 
services for City of  Chicago employees has notified the city that a laptop 
computer containing  personal information about customers was stolen from 
the home of one of  its employees, according to the release.

NRS, which has provided  services for city employees since 2004, is 
notifying affected individuals  by letter and offering free 
credit-monitoring service for a year, which  includes $25,000 of identity 
theft insurance, according to the  release.

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