[Dataloss] Data Loss versus Identity Theft

Brannigan, Chris J - Washington, DC chris.j.brannigan at usps.gov
Fri Oct 27 16:03:16 EDT 2006

"data exposure" vs. "data loss"

fwiw, I usually use the generic term "data exposure" to describe all
types of data breaches, because it can include data records of any type
or quantity being lost, stolen, presented on a public website
inadvertently, sent by its owner to someone else by mistake, etc.  

In some very specific circumstances, by itself, "data exposure" can be a
crime all by itself.

for example, the Privacy Act of 1974 can be technically violated by a
fed employee knowingly posting covered personal information on a public
website. and that violation has no dependence on any one accessing or
downloading that data, or making any criminal use of it. HIPAA can be
violated without anyone making any use of the exposed data.

"identity theft" describes a particular criminal activity defined in
numerous state statutes which is performed with unauthorized personal
information that may have been obtained through any number of different
types of "data exposures", including loss, theft, public posting, via
pre-texting, etc.


fwiw, CIPP/G
-----Original Message-----
From: dataloss-bounces at attrition.org
[mailto:dataloss-bounces at attrition.org] On Behalf Of Adam Shostack
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 3:11 PM
To: Chris Walsh
Cc: dataloss at attrition.org
Subject: Re: [Dataloss] Data Loss versus Identity Theft

On Fri, Oct 27, 2006 at 01:03:01PM -0500, Chris Walsh wrote:

| The distinction between the two is clear.  To me, a thornier issue is
| whether "data loss" is itself a misnomer.  In many cases, PII has been
| exposed to possible loss, but we have no way of knowing whether it has
| been obtained by any unauthorized people.

I think 'data loss' or 'breach' refers to the loss of the ability of
the organization to control the data.  What happens after that is a
result of that loss of control.  Lets say you have a truck full of
dollar bills, and it falls apart. Let's also say that good samaratians
help you pick up all the money.  Do you not wonder why the truck fell
apart?  Do you not count it as a serious event?

Recovery of the money doesn't make your loss of control any less
serious, it simply means you've lucked out of some of the more serious
potential impacts.

Substitute "good police work" for "good samaritian" and "laptop" for
"dollars" and you have the VA laptop situation.

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