[Dataloss] Personal experiences? Was Re: VISA / 1ST BANK

DH1759 at aol.com DH1759 at aol.com
Fri Oct 27 01:43:29 EDT 2006

I have had fraudulent charges on one of my credit cards but the  
circumstances surrounding the charges lead me to believe that there was a breach  of 
information at a hospital my father was admitted to.
Several years ago my father became seriously ill.  I have his  power of 
attorney and am a signer on his financial accounts,  Additionally,  we have the 
same last name which is rather distinctive.  Over the next  several months there 
were numerous small ($50- $150) charges on my credit card  billed under 
miscellaneous medical sounding businesses which I had never heard  of nor 
authorized. Nor had I used that card for any expenses relating to my  father.  My spider 
senses tell me that somebody at the hospital  somehow obtained information 
regarding his/my credit listing and placed these  charges believing they would 
not be noticed under the circumstances, perhaps  believing I was his wife.  It 
was just too coincidental.
I disputed them all and they were taken off my bill with no further  
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