[Dataloss] Personal experiences? Was Re: VISA / 1ST BANK

SPROUT2 at aol.com SPROUT2 at aol.com
Mon Oct 23 21:16:35 EDT 2006

Have never received notification and have never been a victim.  Please  don't 
let this jinx me. 
cindy fortney
In a message dated 10/23/2006 8:04:51 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
hbrown at knology.net writes:

Breach  notification twice and unrelated victim of ID theft

Joshua Fritsch  wrote:
>> By a show of hands (or reply email), how many here have  ever received a
>> breach notification or otherwise been informed  that their personal
>> information was compromised?  In a  related question, how many here have
>> been actual victims of  identity theft?

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