[Dataloss] Tracking consequences of data loss

Adam Shostack adam at homeport.org
Wed Oct 11 14:47:05 EDT 2006

On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 12:53:19PM -0500, Al Mac wrote:
| Many organizations have sustained healthy fines from the FTC in the 
| aftermath of breach investigations that found the places that got breached 
| were negligent in some way.  I have seen fines in the $ millions.

Where many is 15 out 400?  Or is my mental list short of fines?

| At least one place has had to declare bankrupsy and go out of business, as 
| a result of the loss of confidence in them that came about due to the 
| circumstances of the breach, where their business was entirely dependent 
| upon the major credit card brands trusting them or approving their security 
| arrangements.

Cardsystems managed to sell their assets to Paybytouch.


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