[Dataloss] CDW-G Survey on Higher Ed. Security

Adam Shostack adam at homeport.org
Tue Oct 10 14:26:14 EDT 2006

Thanks for passing that on.

I find it disappointing that CDW chooses to release a presentation,
rather than a report, but that's their choice.  It's also too bad that
they don't reporduce their survey instrument/list of questions, or
discuss the wide variance in the number of respondants: Many slides
don't mention it, slide 12 mentions 60, slide 20 mentions their survey
as having 182 completed questions.


On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 02:03:58PM -0400, B.K. DeLong wrote:
| More of a generalized survey but does contain some data on breaches.
| http://newsroom.cdwg.com/features/HEITSecurityReportCard10-10-06.pdf

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