[Dataloss] Office of Management and Budget: 'People are losing data'

B.K. DeLong bkdelong at pobox.com
Fri Nov 3 08:45:37 EST 2006

Yup - time for another FOI request it sounds like. I almost feel bad
for the VA though. They're getting slammed.

On 11/3/06, Al Mac <macwheel99 at sigecom.net> wrote:
> Apparently they were reported to the OMB.
> Time for a FOI request there?
> We have seen from many past GOV reports that for many scenarios, there is
> no legal mandate to report the incident, except in secret to some other GOV
> agency.
> Many US states have no breach laws yet.  (30 something do)
> Many of those that do, exempt gov agencies, non-profits, private
> individuals, data that was encrypted.
> >So...what are the loopholes?  Why are incidents not being reported?
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B.K. DeLong (K3GRN)
bkdelong at pobox.com

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