[Dataloss] Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corp. Reports Data Loss for 1.3M Borrowers

Chris Walsh cwalsh at cwalsh.org
Wed May 31 15:35:17 EDT 2006

I gets better:

"How did this happen?
Extensive investigation of this incident over the course of the Memorial Day weekend revealed that in January 2006 TG had prepared a series of files containing name and Social Security number information for use by Hummingbird, a company TG engaged to prepare a document management system. TG prepared the files for transmission by encrypting the files, protecting them with a password, and sending them to a secure site via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) for retrieval by Hummingbird. Hummingbird indicated that one of its employees then downloaded the files, decrypted them, and stored them on the piece of equipment that was subsequently lost. Hummingbird also reported that the piece of equipment was password protected.

>From http://www.tgslc.org/resources/customerdata.cfm#prevent

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