[Dataloss] Bush creates task force to fight 'horror' of identity theft

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Wed May 10 18:22:35 EDT 2006


US President George W. Bush on Wednesday announced the creation of a 
top-level task force to combat what he called "horror stories" associated 
with the rapidly growing crime of identity theft.

"Identity theft is a serious problem in America," the president told 
reporters after meeting with victims who described to him the personal and 
financial impact of such crimes.

"I have just listened to the horror stories from fellow citizens who have 
had their identities stolen. I listened to their ideas about how the 
federal government can help in the response, in not only dealing with 
those who commit the crime but helping those who have been victimized," 
Bush said.

Identity theft, in which a person's personal and financial information is 
stolen and his or her identity is assumed by another, affected some 3.6 
million US households -- or about three percent of the total in the United 
States -- over a six-month period in 2004, according to a US Justice 
Department report issued last month.


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