[Dataloss] MArines lose portable drive, expose records

John R. Porter john.r.porter at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 16:59:08 EST 2006

*Thousands of Marines may be at risk for identity theft after loss of
portable drive*

By Leo Shane III, Stars and Stripes Mideast edition, Thursday, March 30,


WASHINGTON — A portable drive with personal information on more than 207,750
Marines was lost earlier this month, possibly jeopardizing those troops'
credit records and privacy. In a message sent out to Marines, officials said
the information was encoded and so far they've seen no evidence the
information is being abused. But, because the data could be used for
criminal purposes, they are asking all Marines to be on guard for signs of
identity theft. According to officials from the Manpower Information
Technology Branch, the portable drive was part of a Naval Postgraduate
School research project. The information was being used in research about
the effectiveness of re-enlistment bonuses, but it was lost in a computer
lab on campus in Monterey, Calif…
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