[Dataloss] 40,000 BP workers exposed in Ernst & Young laptop loss

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Thu Mar 23 16:23:10 EST 2006


By Ashlee Vance in Mountain View
Published Thursday 23rd March 2006 20:40 GMT

Like sands through the hourglass, these are The Days of Ernst & Young 
laptop loss. Yes, friends, The Register can confirm that BP has been 
added to the list of Ernst & Young customers whose personal data has been 
exposed after a laptop theft. BP joins Sun Microsystems, Cisco and IBM in 
this not so exclusive club.

Ernst & Young has sent out a letter to all 38,000 BP employees in the US, 
telling them that a laptop theft had exposed their names and social 
security numbers. To keep the BP staff's mind at ease, Ernst & Young said 
that the file name containing their info did not indicate what type of 
information was on the laptop, and the laptop was password protected. 

Ernst & Young confirmed that this is the very same laptop that held data 
on the Sun, Cisco and IBM workers. All of these data losses were revealed 
by us in a set of exclusive stories. Ernst & Young also recently lost four 
more laptops in Miami, although it has not said which customers were 
affected in those incidents.


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