[Dataloss] Tax return information for sale?

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Mon Mar 20 09:21:37 EST 2006


By Jeanne Sahadi, CNNMoney.com senior writer
March 17, 2006: 1:45 PM EST

Would you ever agree to work overtime for free, indefinitely, creating 
profits for someone else?

I didn't think so.

But that's often what we do when we buy a product or service from 
companies. That's because they can continue to make money off us by 
selling whatever personal information we give them in the course of the 
transaction. Your payback: more junk mail and greater risk of identity 

And now it looks very likely that tax preparers will be able to profit off 
clients in ways having nothing to do with taxes.

Thanks to proposed changes to the IRS' privacy regulation of tax 
preparers, everyone from H&R Block to your local tax-prep shop may be 
allowed to sell their clients' tax return information to any third party, 
including marketers and data brokers.

Mind you, they would need to get your consent, according to the proposed 

But why on earth would you ever give it? The firm may try to sell you on 
the idea that by letting them "share" your sensitive financial 
information, you will benefit by getting pitched products and services 
that you really want.

That would be some serious tripe. How many times have you ever gotten a 
solicitation in the mail and said, 'Oh that's exactly what I need. Sign me 


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