[Dataloss] Debit Card Fraud Tied to OfficeMax Breach (fwd)

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Thu Mar 9 07:38:22 EST 2006

Courtesy ISN:


By Paul F. Roberts
March 8, 2006

Debit card fraud that has affected customers at a number of credit
unions in central Massachusetts is linked to transactions at office
supply retailer OfficeMax, according to investigators.

Dozens of credit union members in the towns of Leominster and
Fitchburg, Mass., have been defrauded of more than $45,000 in the last
few weeks by criminals in the United States and abroad, according to
law enforcement officials in those towns.

The fraudulent transactions involve cloned Visa debit cards and may be
linked to the theft of blocks of PINs from OfficeMax or an
intermediary processor, sources familiar with the case said.


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