[Dataloss] semi-OT: OTP(urchase)

*Hobbit* hobbit at avian.org
Wed Mar 1 09:06:48 EST 2006

   Perhaps the ubiquity of the mobile phone would allow it to be used as part
   of a platform supporting this, inasmuch as it provides an on-line component
   that one would have available at a brick+mortar establishment.

Not until the "featurization" problem with mobile devices is FIXED, and
right now things seem to be rapidly heading in the wrong direction.

Thanks everyone for all the replies/discussion about the one-time options,
by the way.  I'll dig further into it as time permits, and be sure to
report any interesting experiences I encounter along the way.  I suspect
that browser "requirements" may be a showstopper since most systems of
this sort count on the user completely dropping his drawers.


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