[Dataloss] Canadian Thieves Swapping out keypad terminals

DAIL, ANDY ADAIL at sunocoinc.com
Tue Jul 11 09:36:21 EDT 2006

Has anyone heard any additional detail on this?  Tampering with the
keypad is *SUPPOSED* to wipe the authentication key from memory.


NEW YORK - A recent surge in debit card fraud is plaguing Canadian
retailers, reports BankNet 360.

The news source writes that debit card thieves are stealing card
terminals from gas stations, convenience stores and fast food
restaurants so they can rig the devices and swipe embedded data stored
on card magnetic strips. Thieves then switch the rigged terminals with
genuine machines, which gives them the ability to collect personal
account information from swiped debit cards, such as personal
identification numbers (PIN).

"In Ottawa and Montreal, PIN pad fraud has resulted in approximately
$6.7 million in losses during the past few months," notes the news

Additionally, more than 40 retailers in Montreal have reported that
wireless Internet connections were used to remotely retrieve PINs and
card numbers from rigged card terminals. Thieves used that data to clear
out the bank accounts of approximately 18,000 debit card holders.

The news source notes that Canadians use debit cards "more than any
other country, averaging 82 million debit transactions a year."

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