[Dataloss] Re: Hobbit's questions on MBNA Shopsafe, Citibank Virtual Account Numbers - The FAQ's

Shopsafe User iwan.sicalm at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 09:39:33 EST 2006

What is ShopSafe?

ShopSafe is a new upgrade to your existing NetAccess Service. The
service allows you to create a unique, temporary card number each time
you're ready to make an online purchase. This number links directly to
your real credit card account number but keeps your card number
completely private and completely protected. The ShopSafe number is
used just like any other credit card - a merchant never knows it's not
your real credit card.

How do I access the ShopSafe service?

Access from your desktop– If you have downloaded ShopSafe, you can
access the service by clicking the ShopSafe logo in one of the
following locations:

* System tray (in the lower right corner of the computer screen)
* Browser bar (top of computer screen)
* START menu
* Desktop icon

How do I Log In?

ShopSafe uses the same Login Name and Password as Net Access(r). You
must be enrolled in Net Access before you can gain access to the
ShopSafe service. If you have not enrolled in Net Access and would
like to use the ShopSafe service, visit www.mbnanetaccess.com to

What if I forget my user name and password?

If you have forgotten your user name or password, visit
www.mbnanetaccess.com. If you need further assistance, please call
Customer Satisfaction.

How does the ShopSafe service work?

The ShopSafe service generates a unique 16-digit number that is
different from your credit card account number but links back to your
credit card account and is valid for making purchases. Click on
"Create Number" to generate a new substitute number.

How do I create a unique ShopSafe number?

Select the "Create Number" option on the menu, or select "Access a
ShopSafe Number" on the ShopSafe home page. Simply enter the spending
limit, and click on the "Create Number" box.

What do I need to know about selecting my spending limit?

When creating a unique ShopSafe account number, the ShopSafe service
allows you to set the specific dollar limit. When choosing a dollar
limit, be sure to include the full purchase amount, any shipping and
handling charges, and state tax (if applicable). The merchant will be
authorized for charges up to the dollar limit you set. may increase
the purchase limit for shipping, handling, and taxes that may not have
been taken into consideration at the time of the purchase.

What is Increase ShopSafe Limits?

Normally the ShopSafe number you create will automatically be valid
for two months and for the original dollar amount you selected. If you
want to alter the date or dollar amount you can do so by choosing
"Increase ShopSafe Limits."

What do I need to know about selecting my "Valid Thru" date?

When creating a unique ShopSafe number, this service allows you to set
the specific period of time that the ShopSafe account number will be
valid. The time limit of two months should give the merchant adequate
time to process your request. If you need a longer time limit,
indicate it as a number of months between 2 and 12. The most common
reasons for requiring a longer time limit are listed below:

* Back orders If a merchant has an item on back order, it typically
does not charge your account until the item is available for shipping.
Usually a merchant will tell you how long it will take to obtain the
merchandise for shipping; be sure to set the ShopSafe account number
time limit (and "Valid Thru" date) to cover the entire time period. If
your ShopSafe account number has expired before all of the items are
shipped, then the merchant will not receive authorization to send your
requested purchase.

* Recurring charges Some purchases require a monthly recurring charge
(such as book clubs and Internet service providers). The ShopSafe
service allows you to set your "Valid Thru" date for up to 12 months
in the future. The Recurring monthly payment located on the Create
Number screen allows you to securely manage your monthly bills.

What's happening when the numbers spin?

When the numbers spin, a new and unique ShopSafe account number is
being generated for your use online.

Are there a maximum number of credit card accounts I can use with the
ShopSafe service?

No. But all accounts must be credit card accounts registered in Net Access.

Can I use any of my credit card accounts with ShopSafe--even if they
are not with MBNA or BankCard Services?

No. Accounts registered for the ShopSafe service must be accounts
registered in Net Access.

Is there a charge for using the ShopSafe service?

No. There is no charge associated with using the ShopSafe service. You
merely need to have a credit card account registered in Net Access.

Is there a maximum number of ShopSafe account numbers that I can create?

No. You can create as many ShopSafe account numbers as you need to
complete your online purchases.

Selecting another credit card account

When you have more than one account registered with Net Access, these
same accounts will automatically be registered in the ShopSafe
service. On the "Profile" tab, you can select which account you'd like
to shop with by choosing the "Select Another Credit Card" option.

What happens to my ShopSafe account numbers if my credit card account
is lost or stolen?

Any ShopSafe accounts you created with the lost or stolen credit card
account number are closed. Closing an active account will prevent any
further transactions using this number. It may also lead to the
cancellation of any pending transactions. If you've given this number
to an online merchant who has your permission to charge you on a
recurring basis, you should notify the merchant of the canceled
account. When you report your credit card as lost or stolen, a new
credit card account number will usually be generated within 24 hours.
Once this number has been assigned, you may visit
www.mbnanetaccess.com to see the new account.

Where can I use the ShopSafe account number?

The ShopSafe account number will be accepted anywhere your credit card
would be accepted. The online merchant does not need any special
software or applications to process your ShopSafe account number. If
you are required to present you're Credit Card to pick up the
merchandise, the merchant may need to call us to verify the ShopSafe
Number is linked to your actual Credit Card Number. An example of this
is purchasing airline tickets at an online merchant.

Can the same ShopSafe account number be used to make purchases at more
than one merchant site?

No. To provide additional security at each merchant site, a new
ShopSafe account number needs to be generated for each online merchant
site. However, you may reuse the same ShopSafe account number at the
same merchant site.

Can I use the ShopSafe service to purchase items outside the United States?

Yes. The ShopSafe account numbers will be accepted anywhere your
credit card would be accepted. The online merchant does not need any
special software or applications to process your ShopSafe account

How does a Web merchant know I'm using a ShopSafe account number?

The Web merchant does not know that you are using a ShopSafe account
number. The ShopSafe service generates a unique 16-digit account
number that looks like a normal credit card account number. The
merchant will process the transaction in the same way as any other
credit card transaction.

Can a ShopSafe account be declined for a purchase?

A ShopSafe account number may be declined for a purchase for any of
the following reasons:

* The ShopSafe account number has expired.
* The dollar limit is not sufficient to cover the purchase with
shipping and taxes.
* The ShopSafe number is first used at one merchant and then reused at
a different merchant.
* The transaction exceeds your available credit.

How does the Billing profile work?

This is the billing profile we currently have on file for you. To
update your Billing profile click "Edit." This will take you to Net
Access to update the address information we have on file for you. If
you would like to use this address on the merchant form, you can
either drag and drop the items or click "Fill Form."

How do I use my ShopSafe account number on a Web site where I use
one-click or express checkout?

Many Web sites offer a faster way to check out by establishing a
profile that includes your name, address, e-mail address, and a credit
card number. You can provide a ShopSafe account number for this
purpose, instead of your credit card number, to increase your safety
and security while shopping online. First, determine the limits you
need for the ShopSafe account number. You should choose a dollar limit
that covers all of the shopping you may do over an extended period of
time, and you'll want to decide how many months (up to 12) you'll want
the ShopSafe account number to be valid. For example, you could set
limits of $500 and 12 months then provide the ShopSafe account number
to the online merchant and complete your one-click or express
checkout. Every time you shop on that site within that 12-month
period, you will use part of the dollar limit established. When the
dollar limit is exhausted, or the expiration date is reached, you can
increase the ShopSafe limits by clicking the "Activity" tab within
ShopSafe and updating the specific ShopSafe number.

How do the purchases I make with the ShopSafe service get billed to my
credit card account?

All ShopSafe transactions are matched back to your credit card account
by MBNA or BankCard Services. You can view this activity online in Net
Access and will see the activity on your monthly statement. Each
ShopSafe transaction will have a "#" symbol next to it to
differentiate it from your other credit card account activity.

How do I handle returns?

(If expiration has passed, can they still credit back to the ShopSafe
number? And if I purchase online but return it to the store, will
there be a problem if the account number on the receipt does not match
the credit card I present to them?) The merchant will refund to the
ShopSafe number in the same way as a real credit card number. The
ShopSafe service then will link the ShopSafe number back to the real
credit card number, which will be refunded.

Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode

As an added benefit, Customers using a ShopSafe number will bypass the
Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode verification process when
shopping with participating merchants.

How does the form fill feature work?

ShopSafe can automatically fill your online forms with the ShopSafe
account number and Valid Thru date if you click the "Fill Form" button
when you are on an online form. You should always double-check the
information on the order form before you submit it.

Why does ShopSafe auto-pop when I am browsing on the Internet?

ShopSafe can identify when you are on a merchant form that requires an
account number. Under these conditions, the service will pop a message
box to let you know that ShopSafe can assist you with your
transaction. If you login to ShopSafe, you can quickly and easily
generate a substitute account number to use for your transaction.
ShopSafe can also automatically fill the new account number and Valid
Thru date on the online form.

How can I disable the auto-pop function?

Under the "Profile" menu is a selection to "Change Preferences".
Simply click "Change Preferences" and select the appropriate option to
turn off auto-pop.

Can I view active ShopSafe accounts?

Under the "Activity" menu is a selection to "View Active ShopSafe
Numbers." You can review information about any ShopSafe account number
you have generated that is still active (has not yet expired according
to the Valid Thru date that you preset and still has a balance
remaining). The name of the merchant where the ShopSafe account number
was used is listed here. If the merchant has not yet processed the
transaction, the merchant name field will indicate "In Progress." You
can close an active account number by selecting it, then clicking
"Close Number." Closing an active account number will prevent any
further transactions using this number. It may also lead to the
cancellation of any pending transactions. If you've given this number
to an online merchant who has your permission to charge you on a
recurring basis, you should notify the merchant of the canceled

Can I reuse an existing ShopSafe number?

You can reuse an active account number by selecting it, then clicking
"Use." The card image displaying the unique ShopSafe account number
will appear; it will reference the name of the merchant for whom this
account number was created, any remaining balance, and the Valid Thru
date. If the balance is large enough to complete your current
purchase, you may use the account number. To increase the Valid Thru
date or dollar limit click "Increase ShopSafe Limits."

Can I close an existing ShopSafe number?

Under the "Activity" menu is a selection to "View Active ShopSafe
Numbers." You can close an active account number by selecting it, then
clicking "Close Number." Closing an active account number will prevent
any further transactions using this number. It may also lead to the
cancellation of any pending transactions. If you've given this number
to an online merchant who has your permission to charge you on a
recurring basis, you should notify the merchant of the canceled

Can I view past ShopSafe purchases?

All ShopSafe transactions can be viewed within Net Access(r). Each
ShopSafe transaction will have a "#" symbol next to it to
differentiate it from your other account transactions. In addition,
you may view your past purchases using ShopSafe by clicking on the
"Activity" menu and selecting "View past purchases." The specific
ShopSafe account number is indicated with every transaction. In the
"Status" column, "Settled" means the bank has settled the transaction
but there is a remaining balance for that ShopSafe number that can be
used for additional purchases at that merchant. "Complete" means there
is no remaining balance on the ShopSafe number.

Can I access information on my credit card account through ShopSafe?

Yes. You can reach our online banking service (Net Access) by
selecting "Online Banking Services" on the 'Home' menu or by clicking
on the "Net Access" button on any screen of the ShopSafe service. The
online banking service provides extensive information on your credit
card account including current balance, credit available, payment due,
payment due date, past statement activity, and more.

Whom do I contact if I get an error while downloading the ShopSafe service?

If you experience difficulties in downloading the ShopSafe service, or
if you have additional technical questions or concerns, please call
Technical Support.

What should I do if I don't recognize a ShopSafe account charge?

Check the listing on the View Past Purchases window for a record of
the transaction with that merchant. Contact the merchant to ask for
clarification about the charge. If you did not authorize the charge,
ask the merchant to credit your account. You may also dispute the
charge in writing by using a copy of the form provided on the back of
your credit card statement. You must reference the ShopSafe account
number used for the transaction instead of your credit card account

What is a CVV2 or CVC2 number?

This three-digit number appears on the back of your credit card in the
signature area, at the end of your account number. It is an additional
security element that many online merchants are now requesting in
addition to the credit card account number and expiration date. The
ShopSafe account number you generate will also have an associated CVV2
or CVC2 number. If the online merchant requests the number from the
back of your credit card, use the unique CVV2 (for VISA) or CVC2 (for
MasterCard) number generated along with the unique ShopSafe number.

What is the O symbol on the ShopSafe card?

The ShopSafe service is powered by Orbiscom Payment Technology, the
inventors of the ShopSafe product. The O logo is their registered

Is ShopSafe compatible with all operating systems?

ShopSafe Web Version and ShopSafe Desktop will work with Windows 98,
2000, ME, XP, and Windows NT 4.0.

Is ShopSafe compatible with all browsers?

ShopSafe Web Version is compatible with AOL 7 and AOL 8, Netscape 6,
and IE 5.0, 5.5, and 6, MAC 0S 9 and MAC OS X. ShopSafe Desktop Client
is compatible with AOL 7 and 8, Netscape 6, and IE 5.0, 5.5, and 6.

What system requirements are needed for Form Fill and Auto-Launch to function?

ShopSafe auto-launch and form fill features are compatible with
Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP, and Windows NT 4.0. It is also supported
with IE 5.0, 5.5, and 6, and AOL 7 and 8.

Can I use ShopSafe if I have a Macintosh Computer?

Yes. You can launch the Web Version on any computer with Internet
access as long as you are using one of the following browsers: IE 5.0,
5.5, and 6, and AOL 7 and 8.

Who has access to my ShopSafe account number?

Only you, the merchant for which the ShopSafe account number is
generated, and our account managers have access to your ShopSafe

How secure are my ShopSafe account numbers?

The ShopSafe service is the most secure way to shop online. The
ShopSafe service, whether residing on your desktop or accessed through
the ShopSafe Web site, is password protected. Each ShopSafe account
number you generate can be used only by the merchant you select, up to
the amount you specify, and for the length of time you specify.

What happens to my ShopSafe account numbers if my credit card account
is lost or stolen?

Any ShopSafe accounts you created with the lost or stolen credit card
account number are closed. Closing an active account will prevent any
further transactions using this number. It may also lead to the
cancellation of any pending transactions. If you've given this number
to an online merchant who has your permission to charge you on a
recurring basis, you should notify the merchant of the canceled
account. When you report your credit card as lost or stolen, a new
credit card account number will usually be generated within 24 hours.
Once this number has been assigned, you may visit
www.mbnanetaccess.com to see the new account.

How can I disable the auto- pop function?

Right click on the system tray ShopSafe icon in the lower right-hand
corner of your screen. Click on Preferences, and select the
appropriate option to turn auto-pop off.

How can I turn off sounds?

Right click on the system tray ShopSafe icon in the lower right-hand
corner of your screen. Click on Preferences, and select the
appropriate option to turn sound off.

How can I turn off the "Help" box that appears to the right of the
ShopSafe screen?

Click the "Close" button in the bottom right of the "Help" screen and
the help box will stay permanently closed. Clicking the "Help" button
in the upper right corner of the ShopSafe screen can reopen it.

============ CITIBANK VIRTUAL ACCOUNT NUMBERS ===================

How It Works
"Sure, it's free and a smart idea, but is it easy to use?"

Yes! See for yourself...

step 1

For your protection, you will only be able to access this service with
your Cardmember User ID and Password.

step 2

In one click, you can generate a random credit card number and make it
virtually impossible for anyone to steal your actual account number
while shopping online.

step 3 	  	

Enter this number into the merchant's form and complete your purchase.
It's really that easy!

About Using the PC Option

By downloading Virtual Account Numbers to your PC*, you'll have all
these benefits at your fingertips:

    * Easy access from the Logo icon on your desktop, browser, or
system launch tray.
    * Use the Auto Fill button to quickly complete the merchant's
form, or click and drag your number (instead of typing it in).
    * Automatically pops-up at the checkout screen when you're shopping online.†
    * Store billing addresses to quickly fill merchant forms.

Just click Download Now, accept the Terms & Conditions, and in minutes
the software will be installed on your computer. Then start shopping!

Less than 2 minutes with 56K modem
*System Requirements
Flash 6.4 or higher, plus Internet access with ONE of the following browsers:

    * AOL 6.0 or higher
    * Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher (Windows 98, 2000, NT, ME, and XP)
    * Netscape 6.x and 7.x

However you need to have Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater installed on
the machine in order to use Virtual Account Numbers download.
How do I check my browser compatibility?

* PC option is only compatible with computers using the Windows(r)
operating system. If you're not, just use the website option to launch
Virtual Account Numbers.
† Automatic pop-up feature is available at top online merchants.

About Using the Website Option

By launching the website option, you'll have the power to:

    * Generate virtual account numbers on any computer with Internet access.*
    * And with nothing to download, it's a great option when you're at
work or need to use it from multiple computers.
    * Copy and paste numbers and billing information into the
merchant's form for faster checkout.

Just click Launch Now, accept the Terms & Conditions, and the software
will open in a small, custom-sized browser window while you shop.
You'll get convenience and safety in one neat little online package.
*System Requirements
Flash 6.4 or higher (Flash 7.0 for Mac OS X), plus Internet access
with ONE of the following browsers:

    * AOL 6.0 or higher
    * Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher (Windows 95 and NT also work with IE 4.0)
    * Windows (95, 98, 2000, NT) with Netscape 4.72 and 4.74
    * Mac OS 9.0 with Netscape 4.76 and 4.7

How do I check my browser compatibility?

Tracking Purchases

"If I don't use my real account number, how will I track purchases?"
It's easy. Just like your other account transactions, you can always
track purchases made with Virtual Account Numbers in Unbilled Activity
in Account Online and on your monthly statement. As an added
convenience, you can also view all previous virtual account numbers
used within the software, plus merchant, purchase date, and other
details. Because it's nice to be in control—and have options.

Advanced Features
"What. There's more?"

Get more from Virtual Account Numbers by using the advanced features available:

Generate a number with a $ limit
Van Example Setting a limit provides an added level of security by
ensuring the merchant will charge no more than the set amount. For
example: if your purchase total comes to $34.16, set a limit of $35.
NOTE: Purchases cannot exceed your account's available credit limit.

Generate a number with a $ and time limit
This feature lets you use a virtual account number with the same
merchant for 2 or more transactions over a period of time (you set the
expiration date). Show me examples.

Increase your limits
If you ever need to increase the dollar amount* or extend your
expiration date for an active virtual account number, just choose the
Increase Amount/Date link.

* Increased amount is subject to available credit on your account.

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