[Dataloss] Providence Home Services - 3 employees resign - 1 fired

Adam Shostack adam at homeport.org
Sat Feb 25 12:14:07 EST 2006

Hi Rob,

Any word on the seniority of the people involved?


On Fri, Feb 24, 2006 at 08:35:16PM -0800, Rob Holmes wrote:
| Greetings,
| I wanted to share some breaking news regarding the Providence Home
| Services data loss. Today Providence announced three employees
| resigned and 1 was fired as a result of the investigation surrounding
| the loss of the backup media from the IT employees vehicle.
| Linkage
| http://www.kgw.com/news-local/stories/kgw_022606_news_providence_firings.5d10b67b.html
| ( free sign up required)
| The exact story re-produced on my site with no sign-up required to view
| http://providenceidentitytheft.com/article.php?story=20060224232746923
| Thanks
| Rob
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