[Dataloss] a recurring theme...

Mike Fratto mfratto at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 14:37:54 EST 2006

> Hopefully this list can help drive home a different conclusion.
> I think I've seen an aggregate figure of over a million customers
> at risk go by in just the short time I've been here.  Perhaps
> efforts to bring lists like this to a wider audience would help...

For that to happen, it has to get on a general news outlet like the
Today show or the evening news. Dataloss is a huge problem yet when I
talk to organizations about something as simple as encrypting off-site
back-ups, they don't perceive the need even with all the coverage of
tapes falling off the back of a truck or being stolen. It's somebdoy
else's problem.

Nothing will happen until there is a financial reason--meaning legal
fees and fines--or jail time for execs.

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