[Dataloss] BCBS North Carolina

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Wed Feb 8 17:52:37 EST 2006

Update has been posted to http://attrition.org/errata/dataloss.html

Courtesy Emergent Chaos (emergentchaos.com):
'Human error' exposes patients' Social Security numbers in N.C.


FEBRUARY 07, 2006  (COMPUTERWORLD)  - A "human error" at Blue Cross and 
Blue Shield of North Carolina allowed the Social Security numbers of more 
than 600 members to be printed on the mailing labels of envelopes sent to 
them with information about a new insurance plan.

The mistake affected patients who had applied for a new health savings 
account insurance plan, said Gayle Tuttle, a spokeswoman for the Chapel 
Hill, N.C.-based insurer. .The mailing label on a welcome letter that we 
sent out to 629 people enrolled in one of our individual insurance plans 
contained an 11-digit tracking number, nine of which were the members. 
Social Security numbers,. Tuttle said. .The release of this information is 
the result of a regrettable human error..


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