[Dataloss] complete/official list of security breach disclosures

Bill Yurcik byurcik at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Wed Feb 1 20:02:36 EST 2006

It was a great idea to start this list!

Maybe someone can help me.
I have been looking for a complete list of security breach disclosures.
While its nice to have different lists of high profile disclosures
what would be interesting would be find out how many total disclosures
and the distributions of size and type. The SB-1386 law in California
requires companies to contact customers affected by breaches. I checked
with the California  Attorney General's Office and there are no government
records being kept there since companies are not required to contact any
government entity. The papers report the high profile breaches -- basing
any analysis on the media coverage would be skewed.

Are there any states require public reporting of breaches?

Since other states are modeling security breach laws after
California's SB 1386 it would be great if somehow there could be a public
reporting element added to these laws so data on all breaches can be
collected and analyzed for fixing the right problems.

Cheers! - Bill Yurcik/NCSA University of Illinois
        <byurcik at ncsa.uiuc.edu>

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