[Dataloss] Verizon gaffe lets customer details slip

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Tue Aug 29 17:54:15 EDT 2006

Courtesy InfoSec News and WK:


By Joris Evers
Staff Writer, CNET News.com
Published: August 25, 2006, 5:11 PM PDT

Verizon Wireless this week accidentally distributed a file with limited 
details on more than 5,000 customers outside the company, potentially 
giving identity thieves a toehold.

The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file was e-mailed on Monday and includes 
names, e-mail addresses, cell phone numbers and cell phone models of 5,210 
Verizon Wireless customers, going by a copy of the file obtained by CNET 
News.com. All of the customers have Motorola Razr phones, according to the 

The spreadsheet was inadvertently sent to about 1,800 people, all Verizon 
Wireless subscribers, according to a follow-up e-mail apologizing for the 
gaffe that the mobile carrier sent on Thursday. The Excel file was 
attached to an ad for a Bluetooth wireless headset, instead of the 
electronic order form that was supposed to be sent.

"Verizon Wireless takes the security, confidentiality and integrity of 
your personal information very seriously, and we deeply regret this 
error," the company said in the Thursday e-mail. It said that it has 
already implemented additional quality control procedures and process 
improvements to prevent a re-occurrence.


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