[Dataloss] Privacy Working Group RFP

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Aug 22 23:24:35 EDT 2006

Lauren is one of those folks who is a thought leader in the realm of IT,
security, policy, and related matters.  Dare I say someone I respect and
look up to myself.   -rf

< - >

The observant reader will note that despite the rising tide of concerns
regarding search query privacy, the industry as a whole is still pretty much
in a state of denial, made all the more confusing by various signals from
the U.S. Department of Justice.

This is turning into such a mess that it's becoming difficult to even keep
the various participants and their positions completely clear. There is
every reason to believe that without heroic action by the players involved,
we may be heading toward a privacy, legislative, and judicial nightmare. But
maybe there's a way out.

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Therefore, I propose the formation of a high-level Internet working
group/consortium dedicated specifically to the cooperative discussion of
these issues and the formulation of possible policy and technology
constructs that can be applied toward their amelioration. Such a working
group would be as open as possible, though proprietary concerns would likely
necessitate some closed aspects if progress is to be accelerated as much as

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