[Dataloss] Senator questions FBI on ChoicePoint contract

*Hobbit* hobbit at avian.org
Fri Apr 7 16:14:56 EDT 2006

   Which brings up the point, when do you trust these companies
   again? Does a significant dataloss incident destroy all trust? Is
   it a permanant black eye that they are likely never to recover from?

Absolutely.  It's time for organizations that allow this sort of crap
to happen to step ASIDE for someone who will take one look at today's
situation, say "this is all useless crap", and do it right from the
ground up.  It is SO high time.  The incumbents deserve no better
than to crumble and fall.

I am seriously considering bailing out of at least one investment
fund whose name I've seen go by recently, on loudly-stated grounds
that they're too stupid to be trusted handling any of my money.  No,
that doesn't help anyone ascertain where to turn to instead..


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