From lyger at Fri Jan 4 04:53:47 2008 From: lyger at (lyger) Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 04:53:47 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [attrition] Groups: Record Data Breaches in 2007 Message-ID: BOSTON (AP) - The loss or theft of personal data such as credit card and Social Security numbers soared to unprecedented levels in 2007, and the trend isn't expected to turn around anytime soon as hackers stay a step ahead of security and laptops disappear with sensitive information. And while companies, government agencies, schools and other institutions are spending more to protect ever-increasing volumes of data with more sophisticated firewalls and encryption, the investment often is too little too late. "More of them are experiencing data breaches, and they're responding to them in a reactive way, rather than proactively looking at the company's security and seeing where the holes might be," said Linda Foley, who founded the San Diego-based Identity Theft Resource Center after becoming an identity theft victim herself. Foley's group lists more than 79 million records reported compromised in the United States through Dec. 18. That's a nearly fourfold increase from the nearly 20 million records reported in all of 2006. Another group,, estimates more than 162 million records compromised through Dec. 21 . both in the U.S. and overseas, unlike the other group's U.S.-only list. Attrition reported 49 million last year. "It's just the nature of business, that moving forward, more companies are going to have more records, so there will be more records compromised each year," said Attrition's Brian Martin. "I imagine the total records compromised will steadily climb." [...] From lyger at Wed Jan 9 04:56:24 2008 From: lyger at (lyger) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 04:56:24 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [attrition] postal: i'm having egg issues today Message-ID: junior high locker room with no parole ding go the fries SMOOCHES TOO armegeddon but if he was from new zealand headless frenchy asssex we thought he said "collect penis", so... different meanings for different people hey joe, give us a shout From jericho at Mon Jan 28 18:01:25 2008 From: jericho at (security curmudgeon) Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 18:01:25 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [attrition] [OSVDB-announce] OSVDB API and enhanced cross-referencing (fwd) Message-ID: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Shettler Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 12:05:44 -0500 Subject: [OSVDB-announce] OSVDB API and enhanced cross-referencing We are pleased to announce the OSVDB API beta. Integration and cross-referencing with OSVDB just got a lot easier via the new application programming interface (API), which can provide multiple result formats to fit various needs. Queries can be run against any number of correlation factors, including CVE ID, Microsoft Bulletin ID, Bugtraq ID, and a host of other common reference points. The API is also under constant development, particularly during beta, and suggestions for improvements are quickly and easily implemented by the OSVDB development team. Some technical details about the API include: It is a RESTful interface to the OSVDB database It returns your choice of XML or CSV Allows OSVDB ID correlation to a growing list of other references and integrators products And importantly, it is free ? though donations are appreciated. See: for full announcement, or for more information