From lyger at Sun Nov 11 00:02:33 2007 From: lyger at (lyger) Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 00:02:33 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [attrition] Tutorial: Grilled Cheese Sammiches: Things That Make Ya Go 'UNF' Message-ID: For those of you who are familiar with's "Going Postal" section, you may remember a couple of emails we sent to Chedds, a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich restaurant based out of Colorado. Not only did Cancer Omega spend hours (if not a couple of minutes) making the unofficial Spechul in his own skillet and on his own stove, but Jericho and Lyger have actually been to Chedds to enjoy the wonderful Wisconsin-y decor while grubbing on the delectable servings. True, we did threaten to unleash our Global Cheese Ninja Strikeforce (GCNS) on Chedds at one point, but since then we have made amends and wish to celebrate all that is the True Absolute Chedds One-ness (aka TACO). even contacted Chedds through Jamie (aka "The Big Cheese") to request information regarding the possibility of opening a franchise restaurant ALL OUR OWN to further disseminate the word of TACO. Unfortunately, we may be unable to follow through with our plans due to events beyond our control. (males under 40 would recognize the event as a what is commonly referred to in a bar as a "cock block"... to us, that means saying the wrong thing to the wrong person and they basically ganked our idea. KTKX-NICE) Regardless, we still have respect for Chedds and will continue to follow, promote, and lurvz TACO forever and ever. And then one day, Lyger discovered that his cardboard box actually has... a kitchen. [...] From lyger at Mon Nov 19 03:42:49 2007 From: lyger at (lyger) Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 03:42:49 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [attrition] postal: we started a joke... that started the whole world crying Message-ID: we started a joke... that started the whole world crying we're poets and we didn't know it serious stuff can't you smell that smell speak slow, use small words when doves cry we like big butts who's the straight man? at least she was polite learning is fun! a final word from our sponsor From lyger at Thu Nov 29 02:37:05 2007 From: lyger at (lyger) Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 02:37:05 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [attrition] review: Movie: Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices Message-ID: Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices 2005 Czarina During a mid-winter trip earlier this year to Montreal, it was 2 degrees Fahrenheit outside and a couple friends and I were discussing world issues while sipping hot chocolate and eating a sinful dessert. Somehow, we got into discussing Wal-Mart. I tried explaining to my friends in both French and English the entire Wal-Mart phenomenon; that Wal-Mart is a part of the U.S culture, and that to some, it is a necessary evil, and to most, especially in the Southern U.S., it is an institution that is revered on par with most churches. The documentary, directed by Robert Greenwald, is constructed in segments on how the company is affecting everyone from the local Mom & Pop operation in small towns to the foreign sweatshop workers who work long hours for little pay and are boarded in dismal living quarters. Each segment begins with footage of Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott giving shining and impassioned speeches on how Wal-Mart is committed to preserving the environment, creating jobs, contributing to the economy, and philanthropy. However, there are contrasting attestations by former employees and executives who pull the bullshit flag and call out the retail giant for pollution, labor exploitations and stinginess by the company and the Walton family itself. [...]