[attrition] as demonstrated by Lyger's last smear campaign...

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Sun May 6 20:12:59 UTC 2007

On Sun, 6 May 2007, security curmudgeon wrote:

": " .. suggesting that i am more interested in diet coke than work, we are 
": " still after coke codez! for more information:

I never said that!  Even though it's TRUE, I never said that.  Your 
tantalizing teasing and torture has become too tenacious, sir!

": " Drink Coke, Support Attrition
": " http://attrition.org/news/content/06-06-13.001.html
": " 
": " The TV is long since gone and the level of prizes declined significantly, 
": " but we're still curious how many codez we can get since they extended the 
": " program. Mail your codes to cokerewards at attrition.org!

People of Earth, I even drank a Coke Zero in the last week to help support 
the cause.  If even I can become a traitor to the Pepsi Nation, so can 
thou.  Tasty fun for everyone!

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