[attrition] Movies: The Return, Breach, Mr. Brooks, Bridge to Terabithia, Speak

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Sat Jul 28 18:36:11 UTC 2007


(from Martums)

The Return

Plagued by nightmares (visions), ghosts haunt traumatized 20-something 



The tagline says it all: Inspired by the true story of the greatest 
security breach in U.S. history


Mr. Brooks

Boring Mr.-Rogers-type has this wicked alter-ego. Always a step ahead of 
the investigators, Brooks gets blackmailed by some profound idiot who 
happens to photograph him in the act. Hilarity ensues.


Bridge to Terabithia

Finally! An un-Disney, Disney movie, without the Brady Bunch or Leave It 
to Beaver bullshit, and substantially less phony crap than usual. One 
minute, it's live-action whistle while you work, then you blink, and they 
rip the rug out from under you. Geesh.



from IMDB:

     After a blurred trauma over the summer, Melinda enters high school a 
selective mute. Struggling with school, friends, and family, she tells the 
dark tale of her experiences, and why she has chosen not to speak...


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