[attrition] Dangers of L33t 5p3ak

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Wed May 3 00:23:56 EDT 2006

From: Small Grey <munge at attrition.org>

Beware, parents:


Online Language Leaves Parents in the Dark
Reported by Heather Pick

Leet Speak is part of a complicated and potentially dangerous code
designed to keep parents in the dark when children are chatting on the


"It gives criminals, kids, whomever, another way to communicate
covertly with one another without maybe parents catching on to what
the kids are saying," Westerville Police Department Scott Dollison



Wh4t dumb5h|t5.


M|cr0s0f+ W0rd h4s |n5p|r3d m3 +o r4g3 f4r b3y0nd 4ny+h|ng +h3s3
r0b0t5 3ng3nd3r.  --R0g3r 3b3r+, r3v|ew|ng "|, R0b0t"

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