[attrition] Drink Coke, Support Attrition

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Wed Jun 14 00:08:52 EDT 2006


Cliff Notes: If you drink Coca-Cola products, email the 'coke reward' code 
to cokerewards at attrition.org to support a bunch of wack job heathens

How many times have you thought, "If everyone sent me one penny, i'd be 
rich!?" In the case of attrition staff, maybe you thought "If everyone 
sent me one beer, i'd need a new liver in three months!"

Attrition has been going strong for almost eight years now. In that time 
we haven't plagued the site with ad banners, pop-ups, or even the cute 
little google ad-words. We've accepted PayPal donations for several years 
and raked in a whopping 250 bucks (which we are honestly very thankful 
for). Our Amazon wishlists are never used, half the mail we get is 
mindless drivel complaining about insipid crap that is usually answered by 
actually reading the web pages. The box has been fully replaced two times 
due to hardware problems, payments are routinely made to our landlord for 
the bandwidth abuse and to keep him too drunk to find our power plug. In 
short, this isn't a site based around profit or self reward. We're more 
like those monks that inflict self pain thinking it brings them closer to 
a higher power. Misguided, pain-ridden, stupid monks.

Since we've long been fans of the sci-fi idea of 'micro payments', and no 
system is in place for such a beast to really work, we've come up with 
one. Now you too can actually support the site without sending us money or 
hate mail. Chances are, you are a cracked-out coke fiend like most of us. 
I prefer the hard-core street drug they call "Coke Zero" these days, 
moving on from the weak suburban "Diet Coke" or that old-folks home 
"Caffeine Free Diet Coke" that Munge sips on between shots of Everclear. 
If you support Coca-Cola like a true patriot, and not those Pepsi jerks 
like a terrorist would, then you are in the perfect position to 

Coca-Cola is running a promotion where you receive a code for each 
purchase you make. With those codes, you register on one of their web 
sites and type in the codes to earn points. Enough points and you can earn 
various prizes, most of which are not worth the time to read about on the 
web site. If you click around enough, you get to the distant "10,000+ 
Points" reward list, and things become brighter. In this "pipe dream" 
category is a pretty swell Sony LCD HDTV that would be a nice reward for 
the pain and suffering we're put through.

So, next time you are getting your fix, take a few seconds to type in the 
coke code and mail it to us. Only takes a minute of your time and you can 
spend the rest of the day bragging about how you supported a non-profit 
site on the intarweb. The codes can be found inside the bottle caps of 2 
liter, 1 liter or 20oz bottles, or in the tear off flap of 12-pack cases. 
They can be found in just about every variety of Coca-Cola products and 
look something like BNMW7 Y49XR 4X7VJ.

This is it net denizens. Some 100,000,000 of you out there, and all it 
takes is 2,000 of you to mail in the code from a single 12-pack to reach 
our goal. You would be showing a small token of appreciation for eight 
years of hard work and it doesn't even require a visit to the post office. 
If you send in 100 points worth of codes (ten cases, or 33 bottles), we'll 
hook you up with private access to the old image gallery we used to make 
available (shut down long ago due to bandwidth abuse), which is up to 
5,263 unique images of all varieties, and zero advertisements.

That's it, simple and possibly rewarding. cokerewards at attrition.org

Cut this out and post it at your work lounge!

|                              |
| E-mail Coca-Cola Reward Code |
|    to the heathens at        |
|  cokerewards at attrition.org   |
|                              |

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