From jericho at Thu Jun 16 21:40:40 2005 From: jericho at (security curmudgeon) Date: Thu Jun 16 21:40:42 2005 Subject: [attrition] Attrition is now recruiting.. Message-ID: Attrition is now recruiting.. Thu Jun 16 20:56:01 EDT 2005 After a year or more of stagnation, I have an urge to get two sections of the web site back up and running, and keep them updated regularly. Neither is glamorous, but such is the life of staff here. Compensation: None! Vounteers will not get paid. No hookers, no cocaine, no trips to the Caribbean. On a good day you will see ascii pornography when you type your favorite unix editor. On a great day, you get mocked and/or molested by other staff members. On the up side, you do get a shell account here for e-mail, irc and other such activity. With that will be some insulting email address aliases pointing to you to further burden you with spam. Interested? Read on! First: The easy one! The attrition advisory archive needs tender care and fondling. This is a no-brainer task for the most part, but will take time initially to get it in good shape. Tasks include standardizing file names, figuring a better sorting method, remove extraneous headers from extracted advisories, etc. Once everything is taken care of, fill in the missing advisories and keep it updated. You will be master of the archive (which gets decent traffic), be famous for your thankles and tireless work, and maybe earn a beer or three if you show up to the same city i happen to be in. Second: The hard one! The Errata section has been stagnant too long. It was recently updated to spotlight Michelle 'Wag the' Delio and her tendancy to fudge on sources for news. This piece of attrition needs work more than ever, with the security industry in such bad shape. Tasks will be updating the page with errata, charlatans and other news of interest. Standardizing the content, figuring out a better way to organize, adding meta content to the pages to ensure google searches find the truth before the lies, etc. This can be a fairly intensive project. Not only do I have years worth of material that needs updating, there are hundreds (thousands?) of articles that should be included and referenced. The upside is, this project needs to be done, now more than ever. Being an industry watchdog can suck, but the virtual hard-on you get after sticking it to the people polluting our industry is worth it. Interested? Have what it takes? Contact me. Tell me why you think you are the person for the job, how much time you can devote, and something that tells me you have that certain spark to be among the damned.