[attrition] Changes to this mail list and some AOL postal mail!

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Mon Mar 22 14:04:34 EST 2004

First, this list is changing from a majordomo list to a mailman based
list. It should be transparent to everyone on the list, but if anything
odd happens don't panic (yet). If you want to leave this glorious list,
you should be able to unsubscribe by visiting the mailman web page at
http://www.attrition.org/mailman/listinfo/attrition or mailing
attrition-unsubscribe at attrition.org with the usual "unsubscribe" babble.

Now, since you were forced to endure that long message, two great AOL
unsubscribe mails for the postal collection, one with a picture! You can
see exactly what one of these AOL unsubbers looks like!

Criscowebb at aol.com - "cancel my account"

Cammydapimpette at aol.com - "i guess ill stay.."

And yes. we convinced one to keep using the free service! We're so nice.

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