[attrition] It's official: mi2g has no sense of humor

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Mon Aug 2 07:03:23 EDT 2004

[Rob wrote a three page article covering the latest mi2g FUD. Since I am
so lazy these days, I didn't update Errata to cover it, but Rob did a
much better job than I could have.]


It's official: mi2g has no sense of humor
by Rob Rosenberger -- 07/25/04

CAN YOU TELL the difference between a parody and a hoax? One computer
security firm can't.

An un?known per?son wrote a parody of an mi2g alert. Every?body got the
humor -- except for the folks at mi2g. The CEO labeled it an out?right
hoax. Our longtime readers know about a firm called "mi2g" (correct
spelling). Vmyths has exposed their many shenanigans dating back to 1999.
Our website tops the list if you Google for "mi2g criticism" and we're #3
if you Google for "mi2g humor." mi2g has threatened to sue Vmyths for
libel but has not yet made good on its threat.

An unknown person parodied an mi2g alert with the headline "Wendy's
drive-up order system information disclosure." I'll call it "the mi2g
parody" for short. It's a straightforward parody -- yet the folks at mi2g
went ballistic over it. CEO & founder D.K. Matai (incorrect spelling)
labeled it an outright hoax in a bizarre press release dated 20 July.

< snip >


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